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Tips to Save Money in the Kitchen

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We know that you, like us, have big goals. And when you have big goals and dreams, every penny counts! We’re always going to be growing, buying, and preparing food, so saving money when it comes to kitchen work is an excellent way to make a small (or large!) impact on your budget every day. Here are some tips to save money in the kitchen and keep working toward your dreams little by little.

Tips to Save Money in the Kitchen

Tips to save money in the kitchen

As you work toward saving money in the kitchen, remember that every penny counts! Implement these money-saving tips one at a time, and watch the savings add up.

Eat in season

Whether you grow your own food or not, eating in season is both healthy and cost-effective.

If you’re growing much of your own food, eating in season provides you with rich nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, enjoying your produce right away instead of filling up with foods from the grocery store will save you some time during which you’d otherwise need to can, freeze, or dehydrate your fresh produce. And of course, it’s an extremely cost-effective way to eat.

Even if you don’t grow a garden, choosing in-season produce from the grocery store or the farmers market is generally the least expensive and most nutritious option. When you’re saving money, it’s okay to eat green beans nearly every night during green bean season!

In addition, keep your eye out for deals on produce during the harvest season. If you find a great sale from the grocery store or from a local farmer, consider purchasing as much as you can afford to preserve for later months.

Plan your meals

When you’re looking to save money, winging it on meals is generally not very helpful. Don’t wait until the afternoon to decide what sounds good for dinner. Instead, sit down once a week and take stock of what’s in season, what’s on sale, and what you have on hand, and make a meal plan from there. That way, when it’s time to cook, you know that you already have all of the ingredients you need and won’t be tempted to run to the store or grab takeout.

Check the pantry

As you’re meal planning and throughout the week, it’s helpful to really take a good look at not only your pantry, but the refrigerator and freezer, too. What’s left over that needs to be used up?

Is there pizza sauce left in the fridge from when you only used half a jar last week? Pizza’s on the menu again!

Are any of your canned foods nearing their expiration date? Think about what recipes they could be used in this week.

Find some frozen corn from last year’s harvest that hasn’t been used? Pull it out to bulk up a soup or tacos. Plus, you’ll gain some room in your freezer at the same time!

Take a break from meat

Contrary to what some might think, you don’t have to eat meat with every meal. When you’re saving money, cutting meat from a couple of meals per week can go a really long way. Use other protein-rich foods, such as beans, lentils, eggs, and nuts, to substitute your meat intake and keep you feeling full.

Another idea for saving money on meat is to see how many meals you can make with the meat that’s already in your freezer. Get creative!

Cook in large batches

If you’re already in the kitchen cooking, why make only one meal? Whenever a recipe lends itself well to freezing, consider making at least a double batch to store some for later.

By making larger batches, you can often use up your ingredients better and save not only money, but time, too.

Make enough to have leftovers

Even if you’re not going to make an entire extra meal to freeze, try making enough to at least have leftovers for lunch. This way, you don’t have to buy ingredients for another lunch – even if it’s just sandwiches. In most cases, adding to the meal you’re already making is cheaper than creating another meal.

Invest in reusable storage

Saving money in the kitchen doesn’t just mean saving on food. Every little bit counts! Instead of storing food in plastic bags or disposable dishes, consider investing in some quality storage containers or using glass jars to store your extras. Buying plastic bags every week or so gets expensive! When you do need to use disposable storage bags, try washing them out afterwards to see if you can get at least one more use.

Try curbside pickup

If there’s a grocery store near you that offers free curbside pickup (hint, Walmart does!), give it a try. When you order groceries online, you can see exactly what you’re spending before you place your order. When you’re on a tight budget, this is an easy, helpful way to make sure that you stick to your grocery allowance (without having to carry a calculator through the store).

Use these tips to save money in the kitchen to reach your goals, one by one!

  • Eat in season
  • Plan your meals
  • Check the pantry
  • Take a break from meat
  • Cook in large batches
  • Make enough to have leftovers
  • Invest in reusable storage
  • Try curbside pickup

We know that frugal living can feel like a sacrifice. Just remember that nearly everything worth doing feels hard at first! When it comes to accomplishing your dreams on the homestead, you’re not alone. We’re right there with you, making one sacrifice at a time to achieve our goals together. You’ve got this!

Tips to Save Money in the Kitchen

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