/ / 8 Ways To Keep Weeds Out Of Your Garden

8 Ways To Keep Weeds Out Of Your Garden

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There’s nothing like harvesting fresh vegetables out of your own garden. First, though, they need space to grow and thrive without being choked out by weeds. Let’s talk about 8 ways to keep weeds out of your garden so that your plants can have the space and nutrients they need to stretch, grow, and flourish!

8 natural ways to keep weeds out of your garden

When it comes to weeds, there are a wide variety of ways to keep them out of your garden. You’ll find everything from sprays to pesticides to pulling them one by one with your hands. In this list, we want to focus on safe, natural ways to keep weeds out of your garden.

1. Mulch

Covering your exposed ground with mulch is one of the most common ways to keep weeds from taking over your garden. Mulch can include wood chips, grass clippings, straw, and shredded leaves.

Mulch works by blocking the sunlight so that the weeds underneath cannot grow. Some mulches, such as grass clippings and shredded leaves, can also pass needed nutrients to your soil as they decompose. Additionally, mulch helps keep moisture in.

Plan to mulch at least one inch thick between your plants and in any areas that you want to keep the weeds down.

2. Cover unused spaces with plastic or cardboard

If there are any larger spaces of your garden that are currently not being used, keep them covered in order to keep any weeds from growing. Plastic or cardboard are both effective for blocking weeds from the sunlight. Adding weight (such as rocks or bricks) on top of your cover can also help keep sun and fresh air out of the covered space.

3. Avoid watering the weeds

Although it takes more work to water individual plants or rows (rather than the entire plot), this is an excellent and effective way to discourage weed growth. Whether you use a watering can or a hose, try to water only the plants that you want to grow rather than spritzing your entire garden at once.

4. Pull weeds out

It’s not glamorous, but it’s effective! Plus, there’s something calming about kneeling down in the dirt and pulling out weeds one by one. With a little work each day, you can keep the weeds at bay with your own two hands!

The best time to weed is when your soil is damp right after a rain. The dirt will be loose and the weeds will be easy to pull. Make sure that you dig down enough to pull out the root, or the problem will just continue.

A kneeling pad can be helpful for protecting your knees and back when you’re kneeling in the dirt.

5. Avoid unnecessary tilling

Tilling is a much-debated topic! Whether you choose to till your garden or not, tilling can tend to allow weeds to spread throughout your soil. As the tiller breaks up the dirt, it also breaks up any weed roots that are in your soil. This causes them to spread, multiply, and continue growing throughout the soil. Therefore, if tilling can be avoided, this may help to contain your weeds.

6. Let your plants go to seed

Gardeners know that exposed ground is going to have growth of some kind. But, you can help decide what will grow. A weed is simply an unwanted plant. Instead of giving weeds freedom to grow in your garden spaces, consider letting the plants you do want, such as kale and other greens, go to seed. This way, the seeds will land on your garden ground, and you have a good chance of crops that you actually enjoy as your “weeds”!

(And while you’re letting your plants go to seed, you may consider collecting some of the seeds to save them for next year!)

7. Plant cover crops

In the same way, cover crops are a great way for you to get to choose what will grow in your available space. Cover crops are excellent for the soil because they increase organic matter, attract pollinators, prevent erosion, and keep weeds from having the space to grow.

Some popular cover crops include:

  • Clover
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Wheat

Plant your cover crops in the fall after you have harvested your veggies but at least 4 weeks before the first frost. Then, pull them out in the spring when it’s time to plant again.

8. Utilize container gardens

Container gardening or raised bed gardening allows you to have a lot more control over what’s in your garden. When you use a container garden, you start with weed-free soil. If weeds do end up in your gardens, they generally grow and spread more slowly than they would in an in-ground garden. This makes it much easier to keep up on pulling them.

Make a plan for weed control 

Like most things, the easiest way to keep weeds out of your garden is by planning your strategy in advance. If you want to do the least amount of work in the long run, decide how you’re going to handle the weeds before they start taking over your garden. Cover your soil, add your mulch, and plan your garden in a way that eliminates open space.

However, if you do find that the weeds have already taken over, don’t give up. Avoid watering them, pull them out patiently, and cover any areas that you can to discourage growth.

Happy gardening!

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