How To Start Homesteading
If you’re tired of the typical 9 to 5 and ready to take back some control – it might be time to start a homestead. One of the most common questions we all ask ourselves when we start going down this journey is: How To Start Homesteading?? Today, we’re going through the 5 things you should do to get started.
What is a homestead?
A homestead has many definitions, but we are specifically talking about a place where you can grow your own food, and support yourself in such a way that you can be a bit more self-sufficient. It doesn’t always mean that you will be 100% self-sufficient, and there is a lot of variation there.
What are some things to think about before you start a homestead?
Before you go in head over heels, here are a few things you should think about.
1. Decide if you’re going to do it where you are, or move.
What you really need to decide is: do you have enough space where you are at to homestead in place? If the answer is yes, than YAY! If it’s no, that doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy land right away, but you can work towards a goal. Many, many people start small and grow as they get more comfortable – there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
2. Find a mentor or someone who understands the homesteading world.
This may even just be a favorite YouTuber, but you need to find SOMEBODY who “gets it”. As you move more into homesteading, it’s likely that some family and friends may think you’re being “weird”. One thing that really helps brush off those feeling is having a mentor or friend who is already homesteading.
Not only does having a mentor help with all of the above, but it also helps you avoid making some big (and oftentimes costly) mistakes. They can guide you in the right direction and help set you on the right path.
3. Make a homesteading plan.
One of the most important questions is, “What do you want your homestead to look like?” Do you want it to provide all of your food or just a bit? Do you want to raise meat, or just vegetables? Do you want to have a huge garden plot, or raised beds? There is no right or wrong answer here, but without a clear idea of which direction you want to go in, you will probably stumble along the way.
I would really recommend that you make both a short term and a long term plan. Where do you want to see your homestead next season, and where do you want to see it in 3 years?
4. Research local regulations.
If you decide to stay on land you currently have, it’s important you look at local regulations. Maybe you want to raise pigs – but if you are in a neighborhood, is that allowed by your HOA? You’ll need to thorough research to ensure that you won’t get in trouble down the line.
5. Decide how you will fund your homestead.
As you build your homestead, it will take some money to build infrastructure. You’ll need to pour a bit of money into things like fencing, ground improval and even just seeds or vegetables. If you are wanting to buy animals, you’ll need to pay for those.
There are plenty of ways to make money on a homestead, but you’ll really need to be sure you can fund the startup of your homestead right out of the gate.
Pro tip: If you can’t afford to do everything on your goal list right away, take your time and grow a little bit here and there! Start small, with some raised beds and growing your own food. You don’t have to jump straight into raising your own meat or animals to sell.

So, there you have it! These are the 5 things I would recommend you look at when you are starting your homestead. Would you add anything? Drop a comment below and let us know!