how to start homesteading?

living bite sized


what does "homestead" mean?

Modern-day homesteading generally focuses on natural, sustainable living.  Homesteaders tend to aim for increasing self-sufficiency. They value producing much of their own food and goods at home. Therefore, they generally work closely with the land.

Decide if you’re going to do it where you are, or move.

What you really need to decide is: do you have enough space where you are at to homestead in place? If the answer is yes, than YAY! If it’s no, that doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy land right away, but you can work towards a goal. Many, many people start small and grow as they get more comfortable – there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Find a mentor or someone who understands the homesteading world.

This may even just be a favorite YouTuber, but you need to find SOMEBODY who “gets it”. As you move more into homesteading, it’s likely that some family and friends may think you’re being “weird”. One thing that really helps brush off those feeling is having a mentor or friend who is already homesteading.

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Decide how you will fund your homestead.

As you build your homestead, it will take some money to build infrastructure. You’ll need to pour a bit of money into things like fencing, ground improval and even just seeds or vegetables. If you are wanting to buy animals, you’ll need to pay for those.

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