what are the best states to homestead in?

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What states allow homesteading?

While homesteading is allowed in all states, there are some states in which it is simply not feasible due to extremely high taxes, land prices, and inability to legally go off-grid. Swipe up to read more.

Which states have the best weather for homesteading?

When contemplating off-grid living, many people’s thoughts turn quickly to Alaska, since living off-grid is fairly popular in this northern state. However, weather is also an important factor to consider for many homesteaders. No matter how few the regulations, thriving in intense climate conditions can be a struggle.

Why should you pay attention to zones when homesteading?

It’s important to understand your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone as you consider what you will grow on your homestead. Knowing your zone will allow you to choose the plants that will best thrive in your area.

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